About me
Jeremy Brown is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s statewide Deer Management Assistance Program coordinator. JB (as he is known by friends) earned a Bachelor of Science degree in wildlife management and ecology and a Master of Science degree in biology from Arkansas State University. He began his career with the AGFC in 2008 as a wildlife technician. He then served as a wildlife biologist for 6 years and another 6 years as the agency’s assistant deer program coordinator before recently being promoted to statewide Deer Management Assistance Program Coordinator almost two years ago.
JB has served on the board of the Arkansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry, as a member of the Southeastern Deer Technical Committee, and a member of the SEAFWA Cervid Working Group. Likewise, he has served on the AGFC Deer Team Committee for 11 years, co-chairing it for the last 7 years. While JB’s core hunting principles were founded from bowhunting whitetails, his true passion is sharing hunting pursuits of all game with his family, friends and bird dogs. He loves playing on Arkansas waters, whether he’s wrestling giant flathead catfish from trotlines, catching slab crappie from a jig pole, chasing ducks with the next cold front, or listening for the next turkey to gobble. Out of all the seasons open through the year, JB’s favorite is the one that is currently open.
JB is striving to make DMAP the best it can be in Arkansas and is committed to helping private landowners meet their management goals. JB encourages anyone with ideas on expanding DMAP participation and increasing quality habitat across the landscape to share those with him during this year meeting. He is working on ways to pull all states with DMAP together to share success and learn from one another to take DMAP to the next level across the southeast.