Poster List:Note: All poster abstracts are posted hereP1. Mature White-tailed Deer Buck Weight Loss During the Rut in the South Carolina Piedmont
Susan Guynn, Clemson UniversityP2. Understanding White-tailed Deer Movement and Habitat Use in an Urban Landscape
Matthew Payne, University of MarylandP3. Are solunar charts as predictable as they claim?: Comparing solunar ratings to activity patterns of male white-tailed deer
Tristan Swartout, Auburn UniversityP4. Reproduction and survival of white-tailed deer in a high prevalence CWD area
Jacob Wyrick, University of Tennessee School of Natural ResourcesP5. Standardization and Automation of DMAP Reports in Arkansas
Jeremy Brown, Arkansas Game and Fish CommissionP6. Naturally Mocked: A Comparative Look at Deer Scrape Preferences
Nathan Cowley, Mississippi State UniversityP7. Movement Ecology of White-tailed Deer in a Human Modified, Disturbance-Driven Floodplain
William Ellsworth, University of GeorgiaP8. She’s leaving home: Excursions by female white-tailed deer in a wildlife management area
Laura Franklin, University of FloridaP9. Summary of White-tailed Deer Data Collection in the Southeast
Conner Mills, Auburn UniversityP10. Morphometrics of Sika Hinds and Calves
Charlie-Ann Perez, University of DelawareP11. Bang for Your buck: economics of food plot and old-field management for deer and wild turkeys
Luke Resop, Mississippi State UniversityP12. The Effectiveness of GPS Collars and VITs to Study the Reproductive Ecology of Sika Deer
Andrew Slear, University of Delaware