2025 Southeast Deer Study Group
Monday February 17, 2025 1:40pm - 2:00pm EST
Urbanization is expanding throughout the globe, creating urban-rural gradients and altering wildlife communities. While some wildlife populations decline as human presence increases, others such as white-tailed deer persist in areas with transitional habitats and increased urbanization. However, densities of white-tailed deer along urban-rural gradients are poorly understood leading to gaps in population information and management despite continued deer use. We used a spatially explicit capture-recapture framework (SCR) with fecal DNA to estimate deer densities along an urban-rural gradient in Durham County, North Carolina. Sampling occurred at 356 plots across 7 sites with percent impervious surface ranging from 1% (rural) to 60% (urban), and included public and private lands with 120 participating landowners. Field collection took place in February and March 2023 over 3 weeks using a cluster sampling design. We collected 642 fecal samples resulting in 491 genotypes (≥8 microsatellite markers, 1 sex-determining marker) of 380 unique deer (252M:127F). Based on SCR estimates, sampling site densities ranged from

Nathan Hostetter

U.S. Geological Survey, North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Applied Ecology, North Carolina State University
Monday February 17, 2025 1:40pm - 2:00pm EST
Chesapeake ABCD

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